
Various experiments with forex and other stuff
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I'm done with the migration... finally?

March 3, 2024 1 min read Magnetic_dud
I finally managed to end the migration from WordPress on the English website too. I took over one year because the old host wasn’t supporting CloudFlare and so I was stuck with WordPress 😅 Now that everything is static and there’s nowhere to login, the bots can continue to have fun bruteforcing /wp-admin for inexistant users. Also, my server does not need to re-render the same page over and over and over to different users. Continue reading

FTX has been hacked

August 25, 2023 2 min read Magnetic_dud
Yesterday morning I woke up with bad news: Kroll, the security company that’s managing the bankruptcy process of FTX was hacked and the personal information of all users was stolen and leaked. “It’s almost not a big deal”, I tell myself, I didn’t provide the phone number and used a completely dedicated e-mail; so, once, it was all over I would just delete it. However, I did not consider what might happen during the process. Continue reading

Finally, the comments!

August 23, 2023 1 min read Magnetic_dud
Finally after 6 months, blog comments are back! It took me an inordinate amount of time because I couldn’t find a platform I really liked. I will go into more detail in another post, but it was a bit of a nightmare for me. Too easy and I was swamped with spam. Too difficult and no one (not even me) was willing to register and validate the email for a quick comment. Continue reading

How to send yuan to China

April 23, 2023 3 min read Magnetic_dud
I recently started using CSSBuy to bundle multiple orders from different Chinese sellers and ship one package while saving on shipping fees. If you want, they can also act as an intermediary between buyer and seller for translations and payments, however, in the end, if you make a lot of purchases the extra charges start to go up: The 6% for service, 4% to PayPal and especially the spread they charge on dollar/yuan conversion, which is 4. Continue reading

New platform!

February 14, 2023 4 min read Magnetic_dud
I’ve been behind a redesign of the site for months and finally posted it today! This then is the version … 3.0? I think so. What was wrong with the old site? Nothing much… just that WordPress was irritating me! WordPress is convenient as a blogging platform: once installed just log in to add new posts, you don’t have to be an IT guy to write new content. Unfortunately, I must say that in recent times I have noticed a disturbing increase in traffic to my site from Russian IP addresses, which account for about 75% of the total traffic. Continue reading

Let's try 3commas' crypto trading bot

September 2, 2021 2 min read Magnetic_dud
Recently, I read a lot about a lot in forums, and I always ignored the discussion because I thought it was referring to “ three”, the car autopilot interface founded by Geohot, the infamous PS3 hacker. Finally, I realized that after all, discussing about an automated driving device on bitcoin forums wouldn’t make sense, so I read more about it. 3commas is an automated trading bot for cryptocurrency pairs! And best of all, it has a free plan, as probably will get commissions from the exchanges partnership deals. Continue reading is now closed

April 19, 2020 3 min read Magnetic_dud
Years ago I wrote enthusiastic reviews about, but then I did not continue anymore. Why? The reason is probably the same about why right now it’s going out of business. I did my first order with them in november 2014, and it was almost perfect, but then I stopped using them, because the fill rate was low: not too many buyers willing to lose 15-20% of value to get bitcoins. Continue reading
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